Rose City Paving

Asphalt Sealing Chatham – Crack Filling Chatham

Protect And Restore Your Asphalt With Rose City Paving

Asphalt Sealing Chatham

Protect Your Asphalt

Asphalt sealant is a protective liquid layer that’s applied to the top of your driveway, road, or parking lot. It’s typically recommended that asphalt sealer be applied to a surface one year after paving and regularly year after year.

A mixture of aggregates, binder, and filler, asphalt is an excellent material that can be used for a variety of paved surfaces, including roads, parking lots, driveways, and walkways. But like any paving material, no matter how durable it is, asphalt is susceptible to cracking and wear over time. Rose City Paving will keep your asphalt surfaces in tip-top shape with our asphalt sealing and crack-filling services.

asphalt sealing services Chatham

The Benefits of sealing your asphalt surface

There is a long list of benefits to sealing your asphalt surface, but at the end of the day, they all revert back to one main goal: improving the durability and lengthening the lifespan of your driveway, road, or parking lot.
asphalt sealing Chatham

Prevent Water Intrusion

Without an asphalt sealer, water can seep into your driveway and settle below its surface, which can induce cracks and damage if that water freezes.
asphalt services Chatham

Improve Flexibility

Asphalt is a flexible material that allows it to endure the weight of vehicles. Sealing asphalt prevents asphalt from turning brittle, which increases the potential for cracks and damage.
asphalt sealing services Chatham

Protect From Elements

Asphalt is vulnerable to all sorts of external pressures, including UV rays, oxidization, snow, and motor oil. Sealant is the armor against these foes.

Crack Filling Chatham

Cracking on your asphalt surface is inevitable when the proper prevention measures aren’t taken. While cracks in your asphalt are essentially permanent, steps must be taken to fill cracks and increase your surface’s lifespan.

Rose City Paving uses industry-leading crack fillers—a binding liquid that dries into a rubbery material that holds cracks together and prevents them from getting worse.

Protect your Asphalt With Rose City Paving!

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